William C. Page

Partner, Director of Investment Research
Investment Research
New York, NY

Will joined BBR Partners in 2008 and is a Director of Investment Research. Will’s responsibilities include sourcing new investments across all asset classes and performing ongoing due diligence on clients’ existing investments, as well as working with the Portfolio & Wealth Advisory team to analyze the risk and return characteristics of client portfolios. He has extensive experience in hedge fund manager due diligence, selection, risk management, and asset allocation. Will is also a member of BBR’s Compliance Committee.

Prior to joining BBR, Will worked in the fund of hedge funds group at Deutsche Bank.

Will holds a BA in English Literature from Trinity College. He also attended the Tuck Business Bridge Program at Dartmouth.

Will’s favorite past-times outside of the office include squash and golf. Having worked as a carpenter’s assistant for several summers during college, he also enjoys spending time renovating his house.

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