Sarah Rumph serves on the Selection Committee for the ICS Fund Metrics Scholarship

Sarah Rumph served on the Selection Committee for the ICS Nantucket 2016 Fund Scholarship at the Smarter Money Impact Capitalism Summit

ICS Fund Metrics Scholarship

  • Why. Big Path supports a diverse ecosystem of fund managers as this in turn creates a diverse ecosystem of companies creating a more resilient, robust and open dynamic economy for all.
  • What. The Nantucket 2016 Fund metrics scholarship will give the winning Fund the opportunity to present their strategy and impact investment capabilities to a large group of institutional investors at ICS Nantucket 2016 who are currently allocating to impact managers.
  • Who. An expert committee of investors will select one (1) Impact Fund Manager based on the best impact reporting metrics. We invite Funds to apply for a scholarship to participate in ICS Nantucket 2016 if they are raising capital in 2016 or 2017.

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